Traditional Birth & Postpartum Care

“Birth is not only about making babies. It’s about making mothers ~ strong, capable mothers who trust themselves and believe in their inner strength” -Barbara Katz Rothman

Let's walk together 

My offerings have evolved with birth work. I now offer deep mentorship care and coaching throughout your whole childbearing year. This allows me to focus more energy on YOU and your specific needs instead of being spread thin while taking on many births. I am interested in cultivating strong relationships where we build trust and connection- both proven to create better birth outcomes, and really help you build a strong foundation for yourself, and for your growing family. 

The Childbearing Year Education & Mentoring

"Of Marrow and Mother" is my comprehensive, holistic online program that teaches traditional food skills, herbal medicine, and non-toxic living practices - from pre-conception to postpartum and beyond. Come deep dive the Childbearing year through a mind, body, spirit lens. Check out the details HERE

Labour & Birth Companionship

We remember the experience of birth for the rest of our life, and I want to help you so that you can tell a story. I accompany you through your labour and birth journey. I bring with me 15 years of experience, a holistic tool kit of homeopathy, herbs, hands-on techniques, coaching, and much more. Read about my story and services HERE

Traditional Postpartum Care

The first 6 weeks postpartum is a short and sacred window of time where bonding, healing, restoring, integrating, downloading, learning and so much more happens. My goal is to provide you with a gentle and nourishing initiation into motherhood. You deserve to be seen, taken care of, and given ample opportunity to rest and digest. Find all full description of my services HERE

The childbearing year is a sacred journey, deserving of support and guidance. Investing in a dedicated practitoner to walk with you during this transformative time ensures that you have the nurturing care, knowledge, and wisdom needed to navigate the path of motherhood with grace and confidence. 

Featured in 

Awakening fertility is part of the EPIC collection by Heng Ou on creating a holistic childbearing year. Other books include "Nine Golden Months" and "The First Forty Days."

“By making a commitment to prepare for pregnancy, you are joining a growing population of women who are tapping into a desire to understand and care for their bodies more deeply. As we become increasingly aware that we are living in an age of lower levels of nutrition and higher levels of toxicity—and anxiety—there is a new surge of interest in fertility awareness and prenatal health.”

Ali was interviewed for this book, photos were taken in her home, and credit is given on the "Wise Ones" section of the book. Â