Are you a Birth Worker, a Mother, or a Mother-to-be who knows that there is so much more we could be doing to help ourselves and the women we serve prepare for an empowering, multi-faceted passage into motherhood?
"Of Marrow and Mother"
A comprehensive holistic online program to learn Traditional Food skills, Herbal Medicine, and Non-Toxic Living practices - from pre-conception to postpartum and beyond
Do you want to be part of a growing community of trailblazing women that are guiding mothers out of burnout, depletion, & martyrdom, and into an era of empowerment, overflow, and vibrant health?
Are you preparing for pregnancy and concerned about all the messaging and glorification around coffee & wine culture pushed as a solution for mothers to merely "survive" motherhood and just get through the day?
Does it trouble you hearing many of the mothers you know complain about anxiety, depression, extreme exhaustion, and how they have trouble just formulating a sentence because of "baby brain?"
Are you disturbed at how conditions like allergies, asthma, eczema, colic, and lip + tongue ties have become not only commonplace amongst our children, but are also normalized?
- If there was a way to holistically prepare the body for a healthy pregnancy to postpartum journey, avoid the chronic symptoms many mothers experience, and shield your child from potential chronic illness and disease, would you do it?
“There comes a point where we need to stop just pulling people out of the river.
We need to go upstream and find out why they’re falling in.” - Desmond Tutu
Birth workers...
- Do you wish that your birth-centered business had more space and flow, and could still support you, your family, and your clients in a relaxed, feminine way without having to be on-call 24/7?
- You know the calling to serve at birth is so much bigger than learning how to give hip squeezes on labouring mothers. How could your business expand, elevate, and improve if you were equipped with the skills to source, prepare, cook and teach about food and herbs in a way that builds grounded, strong, and resilient babies, mothers, and families?
- What would it mean to you to have a deeper connection to nature, to activate your own innate healing capabilities, and the confidence to draw upon nature and herbal medicine to support your clients?
- So many women who are called to serve at birth also hear the call to work with herbal medicine and the healing arts because at one time, not too long ago, they went hand in hand. It's time to activate the medicine woman within!
Right down to the very core, to the marrow of our bones, we all deeply know that something is not right with the path we are headed down. As women who caretake life, who tend the home fires, and nurture the next generation, we have SO much influence and can help elevate humanity during this turbulent time, because the truth is too many babies, mothers, and families are falling through the cracks of a crumbling system...
So many Mothers and Birth-workers are overwhelmed because
there is a lot of conflicting, misleading, and outdated information out there...
- with huge propaganda campaigns intended to make people believe that the food humans have evolved on is bad for us and the environment.
- that birth is something we need to be saved from and medicated for.
- that herbal medicine is dangerous, unpredictable, and a bunch of hocus pocus.
- that you can just pop a prenatal vitamin and not give another thought about what you're eating.
- that Motherhood and Birthwork is synonyomous to burnout and martyrdom.
- that suggests there is absolutely no correlation between glyphosate & toxins and the skyrocketing cases of childhood disease.
I feel you, my friend...
These are very valid challenges. The old system is designed to keep us confused, in doubt, and dependent on it.
But the good news is, this is precisely the time we begin to write a new story. Slowly but surely through our every day informed choices, through our lifestyles, and how we vote with our dollars we will begin to see big change. Just as the trees gradually transform in the autumn - leaf by leaf, tree by tree, an entire landscape transforms from green to gold. Mother Nature shows us the way. From woman to woman, home to home, we can calibrate humanity to a better way, and the scales will begin to tip in favour of life.
Hey, I'm Ali
I began my journey into motherhood naively believing I had done all the right things, read all the books, took all the vitamins, did all the emotional work, connected with my spirit, and on and on. The birth of my son was incredibly traumatic and I lived frozen in my body with PTSD for months after his arrival. I entered labour whole, excited, and determined but was chewed up and spit out the other side completely shattered. I felt absolutely alone, vulnerable, scared, and depleted amidst the new terrain of motherhood. I could barely take care of myself, let alone a newborn baby who also needed integration and continuous care. Despite having people around who loved me dearly, I had fallen through the cracks of a corrupt and crumbling system.
Little did I know that this experience had lit a fire in me and would serve as the catalyst that would forever change the trajectory of my life. 6 months after the birth of my son, I attended my first birth as a doula, determined to understand birth and the childbearing realm in a greater way, and change it for the better on all levels.
I went on to have my daughter three years later, and it was a very peaceful and empowering home birth. However, my postpartum experience with her was a challenge to say the least. It threw me into an era of extreme exhaustion, anxiety, heart palpitations, hair loss, rapid aging, insomnia… need I go on? When I began to question why not only myself, but so many mothers were being taken on a hell ride through the childbearing year, (not all the women I was witnessing were having traumatic births - although many were) a constellation of problems began to present themselves. I also noticed that most of the children I knew in my life had either allergies, eczema, colic, were frequently sick, or had other signs of imbalance and dis-ease.
I went down many rabbit holes, read many books, took many wrong turns, tried horrendous restrictive diets recommended by well intentioned friends, and ultimately hit rock bottom one day when I was beyond burnout and I really heard the way that I spoke to my son. I was snappy and rude and it absolutely broke my heart. This was not the mother I wanted to be. This was the voice of a mother who was drowning and I vowed in that moment that I would change, and so I did.
I was tired of feeling like all the inspiration and joy was sucked out me. I was tired of seeing women struggling the way I was. I was tired of searching for the answers to my health issues. I was tired of spending thousands of dollars on supplements hoping they would fix the problem. I was tired of being so damn tired.
Today, I am 16 years into an epic deep dive within the realm of birth and what is required to create strong and resilient babies and mothers from pre-conception right into the postpartum. It is not an exaggeration to say that we can influence the health of our grandchildren before they have even been conceived; this is the truth. Take the eagle's eye view with me and realize that creating a legacy of generational health begins here and now.
Of Marrow and Mother
A slow cooked 8 module holistic deep dive for Birth-Workers, Mothers, and Mothers-to-be in Traditional Foods skills, Herbal Medicine, and Non-Toxic Living - from pre-conception to postpartum and beyond
Proven Pathway
With recipes, instructions, downloads, protocols, and hand-outs. You will develop practical and tangible skills to serve you in an abundance of ways.
Group Calls
Beginning Nov 4th we will have 7 deep dive coaching/Q+A calls to integrate what you've learned and have any questions answered.
Lifetime access to our Private Community
Join our community of kindred spirits on the same path, with the same mission.
Over 20 hours of pre-recorded videos that you can take in at your own pace
Step-by-step videos, interviews with experts, and from-the-heart teachings. New content added periodically!
Our ancestors understood the vital connection between food, herbs, and health during the childbearing year, passing down traditional wisdom that honoured the cycles of nature and the innate wisdom of the body. Today, as we navigate a world filled with processed foods, synthetic chemicals, and environmental pollutants, reclaiming this wisdom has never been more essential.
Food is more than mere sustenance – it is medicine for both body and soul. By choosing nutrient-dense, whole foods rich in vital nutrients and minerals, antioxidants, and essential fatty acids, we lay the foundation for optimal maternal health and fetal development. Through the alchemy of cooking, we transform simple ingredients into potent medicine, fuelling the body with the nutrients it craves to blossom in radiant health. Likewise, incorporating healing herbs into our daily routine, and into our labor, birth, and postpartum experience – whether through nourishing teas, soothing balms, body oils, compresses, tinctures or aromatic baths – supports balance, vitality, and resilience during this metamorphosis.
Nourishing our bodies with wholesome foods, harnessing the healing power of herbs, and embracing a non-toxic lifestyle are not just acts of self-care – they are acts of reverence for the life growing within us. We can create a legacy of health that will ripple our for generations to come.
The time for action is NOW...
You don't have to be overwhelmed and searching everywhere for the answers to an awake and powerful transformation into motherhood!
I'm sharing everything I have learned so you can apply it to your own life and process, and if you're a birth worker, you can expand & elevate your services to include these holistic offerings. You can skip the trial and error and head straight to feeling grounded, relaxed, nourished, skilled, and overflowing with vibrant health.
Yes, I NEED this NOW! 🔥

"The opportunity to learn from Ali is a gift. Her course is full of powerful information and actionable teachings. It is a lesson in getting back to our inner knowings. The whole experience is beautiful and taught with such heart."
- Molly
We are elevating & revolutionizing maternal healthcare and supporting mothers in a holistic way through every stage of their journey. In this program we value and incorporate:
- An Expanded Holistic Perspective: We take into consideration the WHOLE woman in our approach by tending to the mental, emotional, energetic, and spiritual dimensions of maternal wellness; not just the physical. We understand how every stage of the childbearing year is intrinsically woven together; from pre-conception to postpartum.
- Radical Responsibility: Conscious maternal healthcare empowers women to actively participate in decision-making regarding their care and well-being.
- Integration of Traditional Wisdom: Drawing from the Healing Arts and evergreen practices that have sustained humanity for millennia, we utilize food as medicine, herbal wisdom passed down through the ages, and ceremony into modern maternity care.
- Knowledge as Power: From harmful chemicals in personal care products to toxins in our food, water, and air, we are constantly exposed to substances that can disrupt hormonal balance, impair fetal development, and compromise maternal health. When we are informed, we can make choices to minimize exposure and protect the health of ourselves and growing children.

Let's take a closer look...
Here's just a very small taste of what's on the menu

Module 1
Foundations for Health
- The power of a daily practice
- Meat stock, bone broth, nourishing tonics
- Food as Medicine
- Teas, infusions, decoctions
- Adaptogens
Module 2
Creating a legacy of generational health
- Traditional Fats
- Tinctures
- Nervines & Anti-virals
- Stocking your kitchen
- Budgeting and tips

Module 3
Activating your Wild Woman + Honouring the Life cycle
- Liver & organ meats
- Emmenogogues
- Seaweeds
- Medicinal mushrooms
- Feeding your Wild Woman
Module 4
Gut Health and your inner ecosystem
- Fermented food
- Protecting your microbiome
- Cultured at birth
- Heal the soil-Heal the gut
- Flower essences

Module 5
Holding the line for the kids. Non-Toxic Living in a toxic world
- Circadian rhythms, blue light, non-native EMF's, and the age of tech.
- Glyphosate, BPA & Xenoestrogens
- Creating non-toxic lifestyles
- Avoiding Green Allopathy
- Root cause healing
Module 6
The Bridge from Maiden to Medicine Mama
- Herbs, Homeopathy & Aromatherapy for labour + birth
- Oxytocin & the love frequency
- Poultices & Compresses
- Birth of a Mother
- Physiological & Empowered birth

Module 7
Arrival, Integration, and The Empowered Postpartum
- Herbs & Homeopathy to support the postpartum
- Galactogogues
- Herbal oils and the power of touch
- Postpartum food & lifestyle practices
- Herbal allies for grief & loss
Module 8
Postpartum and beyond. Leaving a legacy of mature spiritual & emotional health
- Motherhood as a mirror
- The mighty placenta
- Creating your holistic birth/postpartum tool-kit
- Spiritual and Emotional maturity
- Your Holistic Business Ecosystem

Imagine what your birth or your birth business would look like if...
- You carved out space and devoted yourself to learning these practical, tangible, life altering, and health elevating skills and practices
- You received consistent support, encouragement, and mentorship towards your goals
- You up-levelled your whole self, your whole family, your whole business, YOUR WHOLE FREQUENCY!
- You had the guidance and community you needed to keep going when you felt stuck and at a plateau
- You fully acknowledged that you are a powerful being that is helping build the way forward for our children

Let's GO!
On the other side of this program you will...
- have the skills to help yourself or the mothers you work with restore their inner ecology to prevent colic, eczema, GBS infection and more. (With the added bonus of knowing how to preserve your garden harvest.)
- know how to create the conditions and terrain for birth to unfold according to our physiologic design.
- understand why this work is not a fad, but THE work needed to restore health to humans and the planet.
- be connected with a community of like-minded birth workers and mothers on the same path and mission.
- have a greater understanding of glyphosate, endocrine disruptors, and other toxins that are creating chaos in human/planetary health.
- understand the pillars of traditional food and what is required to create delicious and beyond nutritious meals that support humans in all ages and stages.
- have the knowledge to create a natural labour/birth/postpartum tool kit using herbs, homeopathy, and more.

"Go sign up, you won't regret it."
"Not only does Ali dig into all areas of what it is to be a woman, she teaches you how to show up for yourself and the women in your life - wholistically. She does a great job instilling the wisdom she's integrated over the years and is a wealth of knowledge for anyone that wants to do the work"

"This course was exactly what I needed."
Alison is skilled at teaching in a way that is welcoming to questions while also keeping the content on topic. I highly recommend this course for anyone seeking a holistic approach to support themselves or their clients."
- Laura
We are the women on the frontlines of life entering this world! Knowledge is power, and when it's in the hands of courageous women we can make an extraordinary impact! Turn all your stagnant energy and fear into momentum and confidence! You can take the reins and lead yourself, your family, and clients towards health by developing these invaluable skills you'll have forever! Arm yourself with competence and insight!
I've literally spent thousands of hours with my nose in the books, hands in the earth, and feet in the kitchen, connecting the dots learning and developing an efficient way to apply this knowledge into my own life and in my Birthwork business. The time has come to share what I've learned over the years so we can make big waves together!
I know first hand that women are looking for ways to support themselves and their families in a manner that aligns with their soul purpose and does not exploit their life force, leaving them in body & time debt.
Serving from burnout and martyrdom is a thing of the past. You can apply the knowledge from this program into your own life, embody vibrant health for yourself, and if you're a birth worker, magnetize aligned clients who are eager to learn and calibrate themselves to this lifestyle.
Because the truth is, your birth centered business can feed your family & bank account as much as it feeds your soul. We need as many women possible living and serving in their medicine and FULL power.

We are a network of women moving with courage, commitment, and dedication...
This is not just another online program; it is a movement. A homecoming. A remembering through our blood & bones. It is a lifestyle that respects the land, the cycles, the feminine spirit, and supports the new holistic paradigm of birth and women's health.
This upgraded and elevated era of health care requires radical responsibility, addressing issues from the root cause, and no longer outsourcing our health to companies and systems that profit off us. This is the chapter of the story where we take it all back.
I believe this tidal wave of well educated, nurturing women serving LIFE is the best way of disrupting and dismantling this dismal season of poor health and erosion of resources in the collective mother.
Let us walk this path with reverence, gratitude, and a deep commitment to the well-being of all beings, knowing that each choice we make ripples out into the future. We can weave a safety net of love, resilience, and wisdom around our children and the women bringing these children through, and together leave legacy that honours the sanctity of life in all its forms.
Join our community ...
Spread your wings and step into the Medicine Mama Paradigm Shifter you came here to be!!
1. Join the movement!
Click the red button and follow the checkout prompts. In minutes, you'll get an email with your next steps.
2. Learn at your own pace
You will have instant access to our course portal, our online community, and group coaching calls with me!
3. Transform your life
Commit to yourself and this transformation! You will get as much out of this as you put in!
This is for you if:
- you're a birth worker, a mama, or a mama-to-be that desires to lead her clients or herself + family to a higher quality of life
- you want to expand your skill set and be more self-reliant and resourced.
- you believe the journey from pre-conception to postpartum is a mind, body, spirit rite-of-passage, and not merely a medical event.
- you are ready to step into more, shine your light fully, and come into alignment and deep trust with yourself.
- you want to use the knowledge from this program to get into the best health of your life, keep toxins away from your loved ones, and set a solid foundation for your growing family.
- You know you're here on earth at this time on a mission, and want to make a big difference AND squeeze every last drop of mystery and magic out of it.

This isn't for you if:
- You're committed to the doom and gloom narrative, and old and outdated programming.
- you like eating synthetic and lab grown food, support GMO's, and enjoy outsourcing your health.
- you believe that it's necessary for all women to birth in the hospital with medication and monitoring.
- You want to play small, stay safe, and not evolve any further than the current version of yourself.
- You don't think anything is wrong with the current path humanity is on.
- You think the only way to make a living is with a standard 9-5 job
"If you want to change the Earth, it begins at Birth."
The revolution we all feel brewing isn't coming from outside ourselves, it will come through us. It starts with you and me, here and now, In our bodies, our kitchens, our homes, our gardens, our businesses, and our communities.
COUNT ME IN!Real talk, my friend
It's time to re-imagine the role of the modern day Mother & Birth Worker.
We must stretch our capacity because currently 1 in 2 children now lives with a chronic disease, and an epidemic of depletion related illnesses are running rampant through mothers with the effects reverberating throughout our family units and communities.
2 of the biggest factors contributing to this is our food and our lifestyles - both of which we can greatly influence!!
This is big work! But once you complete this program you will have:
- a set of invaluable skills and practices you can incorporate and integrate into your own life and business
- the knowing that you are on the forefront of a massive movement in regeneration of human/planetary health - there is no separation
- taken the next steps towards becoming the powerful and authentic leader you came here to be
- the confidence to support yourself and your family using food and herbs as medicine.

Frequently Asked Questions
What are the dates and times?
Do you teach how to make herbal medicine?
Can I join this program if I'm not a birth worker?
Is this relevant to me if I am vegan/plant based?
How long will I have access to the content?
Will you be covering protocols on herbal abortions?
What can I expect?
What is your refund policy?

Ali was featured in "Awakening Fertility" which is part of the epic trilogy by Heng Ou and includes "The first forty days." Ali is mentioned in the "wise ones" section and many of the photos were taken in her home and on her property.